- 2017 Aug. ILDOKorea Office Relocation
- May. Donation to Gonjiam Church for oversea missionary work
- Mar. Contract with Ignition(Portal) for local distributorship
- Feb. Donation to Shalom Church for local community

- 2016 Dec. Donation to Gonjiam Church for local community Donation to Shalom Church for local community
- Jun. Donation to Calvary Church for oversea missionary work
- May. Donation to Manna Church for local community
- Apr. Participation in Korea & China International Semiconductor Forum
- Jan. ILDOKorea Hompage Renewal

- 2015 Dec. Donate U$100,000 to relief organization
Trademark registration 25 of Angel Cow
(the Korean Intellectual Property Office) Trademark registration 18 of Angel Cow
(the Korean Intellectual Property Office) - Apr. Relocate to Kowloon (ILDO HongKong office)
- Mar. Montage IC Design in Humax STB

- 2014 Dec. Achieve yearly U$50,000,000 in sales
Trademark registration 18 of HumanNstory
(the Korean Intellectual Property Office) Changed ILDOKorea CI -
Participate in HongKong mega show
Trademark registration 18 of Purple cow
(the Korean Intellectual Property Office) - Aug. Participate in Seoul international child education fair
Design registration of shoulder & back board
(the Korean Intellectual Property Office) -
Trademark registration 25 of HumanNstory
(the Korean Intellectual Property Office) -
Trademark registration 18 of Purple cow & HumanNstory in HongKong
Trademark registration 25 of Purple cow & HumanNstory in HongKong

- 2013 Oct. Start on mass production of Montage buffer IC products at Samsung and SK Hynix DIMM module Contract with Dr.Kong in HongKong for local distributorship
- Sep. Contract with Cosy in Korea for Tuner module
- Aug. Participate in Daegu fashion fair
Trademark registration 18 of HumanNstory
(the Korean Intellectual Property Office) -
Trademark registration 18 of Purple cow
(the Korean Intellectual Property Office) - Mar. Contract with Lagan in Taiwan for local distributorship

- 2012 Aug. Participate in Lasvegas magic show & design contest
- May. Open Angel Cow mall

- 2011 Nov. Establish HumanNstory
- Sep. Contract with TTOMA license
- Apr. Contract with ACAM in Germany for local distributorship

- 2010 Dec. Contract with EXB in Germany for local distributorship
Trademark registration 18 of HumanNstory
(the Korean Intellectual Property Office)

- 2009 Mar. Contract with Cypress in USA for local distributorship

- 2008 Dec. Contract with BCD in China for local distributorship
- Apr. Contract with Silicon Image in USA for local distributorship
- Jan. Contract with MosChip in India for local distributorship

- 2007 Dec. Contract with Actel in USA for local distributorship
- Sep. Contract with Montage in China for local distributorship
- Jul. Introduce an ERP, IDEAS(ILDO Korea/H.K, Enterprise Administration System)
- Jun. Establish ILDO Hong Kong
- Mar. Contract with Global Locate in USA for Korea sole distributorship

- 2006 Jul. Start on supplying IDT/ICS products to Samsung and LG etc.,
- May. Contract with ETRI for supplying GPON solution of BroadLight

- 2005 Nov. Expand a business area into ICS products after the merger of IDT and ICS
- May. Contract with E-dom in Taiwan for investment
- Feb. Contract with eRide in USA for local distributorship
- Jan. Contract with Calro Cavazzi in USA for local distributorship

- 2004 Dec. Contract with BroadLight in USA for local distributorship
- Nov. Enter in the Corporation by ILDO Korea Co., Ltd
- Jun. Contract with Crimson in USA for local distributorship
- Apr. Contract with Optimal in USA for local distributorship

- 2003 Aug. Contract with SynQor in USA for local distributorship Contract with IDT in USA for local distributorship
- May. Contract with Powertip in Taiwan for local distributorship
- Apr. ILDO Technology founded